mendada tirani
"Of the believers are men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah. some of them have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting; and they have not altered in the least;..(Quran, 33:23)

Friday, June 4, 2010
Memorandum bantahan kpd Presiden US
4th June 2010
President Barack Obama
President of The United States of America
White House, Washington
Mr. President,
From Pakatan Rakyat and NGOs of Malaysia in respect of the attack on the “Mavi Marmara”
and the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010 On 31st of May 2010, Israeli military forces attacked the Gaza Freedom flotilla comprising 6 ships containing over 600 peace activists from 37 countries including 12 Malaysians killing 9 Turkish and a Turkish born American on the “Mavi Marmara” and wounding at least 60 of them. This attack by Israeli forces took place in international waters and has been universally condemned as a blatant criminal act in contravention of international law.
The Gaza Freedom Flotilla was in no way a threat to stability and peace to the region. Their objective was only to provide basic humanitarian assistance to the more than a million of besieged Palestinians in desperate need of food and medical supplies and to draw international attention to what was considered as an illegal and oppressive blockade of Gaza by Israel.
The United Nations, the European Union, and countries including Turkey, Sweden, Greece, France, Kuwait and Malaysia, whose citizens were on board the flotilla, have all condemned the Israeli attack.
We are appalled and deeply disappointed by your weak and inadequate response on the matter.
Merely expressing deep regret for the loss of life and saying it was important to understand the facts and circumstances is a tepid and one‐sided response reminiscent of statements issued by the previous Bush administration. Asking the Israeli government to conduct “a full and credible investigation” comes across as either dangerously naïve or willfully cynical. Such statements undermine the credibility of the Obama administration globally.
The weak US response will reinforce the perception that it is parroting the Israeli government’s narrative and sends an implicit and dangerous message of support for the Israeli blockade. You, in your Ankara and Cairo speeches a year ago distanced yourself from policies of the Bush administration, set out a different vision and reached out to the Muslim world as no president had done before. Now however, the United States is seen to be walking in lock‐step stride with the most right wing government that Israel has seen in years.
We urge the government of the United States to take into account the strong sentiments of
Malaysians on the Palestinian question. You will be aware that because of such sentiments, Malaysia has to date no formal ties with the state of Israel. We bring to your attention the strong bi‐partisan resolution unanimously passed in a special emergency session of the Malaysian Parliament on 12 January 2009 after continuous attacks on Gaza by Israel causing the loss of over 1300 Palestinian lives, including many women and children. A copy of that resolution is appended.
We further urge you and the Government of the United States to recognize that Hamas is the
democratically elected government in Gaza and is as such a necessary and major player in any negotiations towards a sustainable settlement of the Palestinian question.
We ask you to recognize that the blockade against Gaza has devastated its infrastructure and people and created a humanitarian and human health disaster which has contributed to the emergence of radical groups which reject a peaceful solution to the Palestinian issue.
We call on you, the President, and the Government of the United States to :
1) Take a clear position condemning the violence inflicted on the Free Gaza Flotilla and also call for an end to the blockade of Gaza.
2 ) Ensure that an international independent inquiry is held under the auspices of the UN Security Council into the Israeli attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla to establish the full facts and
circumstances of the attack – this inquiry cannot be left to the Israeli government to conduct if it is to be credible.
3) Recognize that the United States is the country that can take the lead decisively and broker thebreaking of the deadlock and the siege of Gaza.
4) Initiate immediate steps to bring all parties to the negotiating table for resolution of the
prolonged conflict and in particular the siege of Gaza.
5) Suspend all existing economic and military aid to the state of Israel as a means to bring Israel and all other stakeholders to the negotiating table and to resolve this prolonged conflict in the Middle East.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
[signed illegible]
Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Opposition Leader, Parliament of Malaysia
Party Leader, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN)
[signed illegible]
Lim Kit Siang
Advisor, Democratic Action Party (DAP)
Head of DAP Members of Parliament
[signed illegible]
Haji Nasharudin Mat Isa
Deputy President, The Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS)
Endorsed by:
1. Jamaah Islah Malaysia
2. Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia
3. Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA
4. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
5. Srikandi Keadilan
6. AMK Keadilan
7. NISA’ Malaysia
8. Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia
9. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia
10. Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia
11. Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se‐Malaysia
12. Salam Selangor
13. Teras pengupayaan Melayu
14. Dewan Perniagaan Islam Malaysia Selangor
15. Youth Center
18. Tenaganita
19. Ilham Center
20. Belia Integrasi
21. Budayawan Bertindak
22. Free Public Forum
23. Majlis Muafakat Dakwah Malaysia Kemboja
24. Insaf Humanitarian Relief Malaysia
25. Yayasan Kajian Pemuafakatan Melayu Malaysia
26. Persatuan Darul Fitrah
27. Youth For Change
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ma'ruf Club condemns inhumane attacks on humanitarian aid

Ma’ruf Club condemns Israeli attacks after its commandos killed at least 19 people and injured another 30 peace activists in a night-time raid on a flotilla of boats carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. The attacks which was said to occur at the international high-sea should be described as a complete violation of international law as it was non-justifiable at all.
Thus, Ma’ruf Club would like to call the public, regardless of race and religion, to act immediately towards boycotting Israel’s interest all over the world in the best possible manner. Whereas any connection relating Israel with the countries concerned should be re-considered or may even be brought to an end as a signal of immense protests towards the attacks.
In quick response to the incident, Ma’ruf Club is of the view that;
1- All international bodies, including the United Nations (UN), Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Arab League and European Union (EU) should demand and urge the Israelis to make immediate apologies, especially to the activists and their respective countries. This is to show to the whole world that the attacks were really a catastrophic incident and as a guarantee of non-repetition in the future.
2- Merely condemning the attacks seems like it would not be sufficient as these attacks were only a number of examples from a series of violations of the international law by the Israelis. An international legal action should be taken against them in the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it would render the convicted to be responsible for their acts.
3- This attack is a very serious violation of human rights. The attacks launched against the peace activists had without doubt deprived their rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Though its legal effect is questionable as it is not a treaty but a resolution of the UN General Assembly, nevertheless, the Declaration serves as a yardstick and a base for the international human rights law.
4- The Malaysian Government should cease all dealings with the international communications firm APCO as this will tarnish Malaysia’s image as a Muslim nation and disappoint other members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), as well as the Muslims all around the world. This should also serve as a sign of strong disapproval over the attacks by the Israeli.
5- Malaysians, regardless of race and belief, should unite and show our disgust and hatred over the unjustifiable attacks done by the Israeli by boycotting their brands and products. This would definitely give a major economic pressure against them, which would subsequently force them to end the attacks and occupation in the Gaza Strip.
As a conclusion, the Palestinian issue is not merely an issue of religion and belief. Yet, it is an issue for all to fight for. It is an issue of humanitarian rights which should be enjoyed by all without exception. As for Muslims, let us all pray to Allah for His Mercy. May He provide strength to those who are fighting for the freedom and justice for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Allahu Akbar!
Muhammad Zaki Bin Sukery,
Ma’ruf Club 2009/2010,
International Islamic University Malaysia.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cadangan Pemotongan Subsidi
Berikut adalah ringkasan cadangan pemotongan subsidi yang dikeluarkan oleh PEMANDU seperti yang dibentangkan oleh Datuk Idris Jala, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Cadangan ini dikeluarkan bagi mengatasi masalah defisit negara yang dikatakan akan menyebabkan negara bankrap pada 2019.
1. Petrol
- harga petrol dinaikkan sebanyak 10-15 sen pada pertengahan 2010.
- Peningkatan sebanyak 10sen setiap 5 bulan sehingga 2014 (jangkaan sama dengan harga pasaran)
2. Barangan makanan
- harga gula akan meningkat 20sen sekilo bagi setiap 6 bulan sehingga 2012.
- Harga tepung gandum akan dinaikkan 20sen bagi setiap kg tahun ini dan 25sen pada 2011
- Harga minyak masak (botol) bagi setiap kg akan dinaikkan 15% tahun ini, dan 15% lagi tahun 2011. Kemudian harga akan dinaikkan lagi sebanyak 5% setiap tahun seehingga 2014.
3. Gas
- Pengurangan subsidi gas akan menyebabkan kenaikan tariff elektrik, hanya pengguna yang yang menggunakan elektrik melebihi kadar 200kWj akan terkesan (iaitu kira-kira 46% pengguna).
4. Kadar tol
- Kadar tol akan meningkat pada pertengahan 2010 (seperti dalam perjanjian konsesi), kecuali untuk lebuh raya tanpa laluan alternatif tanpa tol
5. Kesihatan
- Bayaran untuk pesakit luar di hospital kerajaan akan dinaikkan antara RM1-RM3
- Bayaran rawatan pesakit dalam kamar (in-patient treatment) dinaikkan bergantung kepada kelas wad, antara RM3-RM80 dan RM6-RM160.
6. Pendidikan
- Subsidi tuisyen dimansuhkan, bantuan buku teks dan peperiksaan awam percuma hanya untuk pelajar miskin sahaja.
- Pelajar antarabangsa (dari luar negara) di universiti awam akan dikenakan bayaran penuh.
- Dari 2010 hingga 2012, pelajar pra-graduan dan pasca-graduan (undergraduates and postgraduates-semua pelajar IPT la tu..) perlu membayar yuran yang lebih tinggi dari RM300-RM800. Peningkatan yuran tambahan pada 2016.
~dipetik dan diterjemah dari the Star, 28 mei 2010. ~
p/s: maaf kalau ada pengambilan istilah terjemahan, yang kurang tepat. insyaAllah artikel berkenaan isu ini akan saya keluarkan dalam masa terdekat, nak tengok camne respon rakyat terhadap isu ini...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Petronas & Royalti

Alhamdulillah, hari ni diberi kesempatan menjengah ke ruang maya di saat ruang ini gegak-gempita dengan pelbagai isu. Walaupun sebelum ini saya kurang gemar berbicara soal masalah dan isu nasional secara terbuka namun dua tajuk berita hari ini betul-betul menarik minat saya. Kedua-dua tajuk ini berkisar tentang Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas), syarikat petroleum dan gas nasional. Walaupun di saat ini terjadi konflik antara kerajaan Negeri Kelantan dan Kerajaan Persekutuan berkaitan isu royalti minyak di perairan Kelantan, saya cuba menyuarakan pandangan dari perspektif yang berbeza.
Malaysiakini melaporkan kenyataan dari mantan menteri kewangan, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yang menyifatkan Malaysia sebagai negara 'sumpahan minyak' di mana kekayaan hasil buminya itu tidak digunakan untuk tujuan asal penubuhan Petronas. Beliau berkata, anugerah minyak itu yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk memacu peralihan negara kepada masyarakat yang lebih terpelajar dan berhati mulia, sebaliknya telah menjadi madat yang memberi kesenangan sementara dan simbol kosong seperti Menara Petronas
Hasil petroleum dan gas negara yang mewakili 40% sumber pendapatan (terbesar) selain hasil komoditi dan cukai2 (termasuk Goods and service Tax, GST yang baru diperkenalkan), yang digunakan untuk belanjawan negara yang defisit selama bertahun-tahun (InsyaAllah, isu ini akan dijelaskan dalam entri yang lain).
Berita Harian pula melaporkan tentang kegembiraan PM apabila Petronas berjaya mendapat dua kontrak, termasuk membangunkan medan minyak Majnoon, di Iraq. PM mungkin mempunyai sebab untuk berasa gembira kerana beliau mungkin mengetahui tentang kekayaan bumi Iraq. Beliau mungkin tahu bahawa Iraq dikatakan mempunyai simpanan minyak terbesar dunia sehingga mengundang AS melancarkan perang terhadap Iraq dan Saddam Hussein pada 19 Mac 2003. Malah, pada tahun 2002, timbalan menteri hal ehwal minyak Iraq memberi 'hint' bahawa simpanan minyak Iraq dianggarkan berjumlah 3-400 billion barrel, mewakili hampir 30% simpanan minyak dunia.
Tapi mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa Iraq merupakan negara yang paling berisiko di dunia akibat ketidakstabilan politik dan perang saudara. Untuk rekod, Petronas pernah mengalami risiko kejatuhan reputasi ketika berada di Sudan sebagaimana Talisman Energy Incorporated dan beberapa syarikat lain yang dikatakan membiayai perang saudara di Sudan apabila membayar cukai kepada kerajaan Sudan. Perang saudara di Sudan berlaku akibat cubaan mencabuli Perjanjian Addis Ababa (berkaitan sempadan, turut melibatkan kawasan minyak Sudan) oleh kerajaan pusat Sudan dengan kerajaan yang menguasai wilayah autonomi selatan Sudan. Kerajaan di wilayah autonomi akhirnya menubuhkan Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), yang mana antara strategi perangnya adalah menumpukan sasaran telaga minyak. Walaupun apa yang dialami Petronas tidak seteruk Talisman, keadaan di Iraq juga hampir sama dengan apa yang mungkin berlaku di Sudan, malah mungkin kebih teruk lagi.
Petronas sudah tentu mengkaji fakta-fakta ini memandangkan mereka sudah menyaksikan apa yang dialami oleh Talisman. Dalam isu pelaburan kita tidak boleh lari dari risiko, sebagaimana satu teori "high risks, high return", tetapi langkah2 awal pencegahan perlu diteliti bagi mengekalkan reputasi petronas dan mengekalkan kepercayaan "stakeholder" yang mungkin tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan Petronas.
Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kes tuntutan royalti Kelantan, saya seolah2 merasakan Petronas tidak mengambil pengajaran dari apa yang berlaku di Sudan apabila membiarkan kerajaan Negeri Kelantan terkapai2 menuntut hak mereka sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam perjanjian antara Petronas-Kerajaan Kelantan. Walaupun ditegaskan sendiri oleh mantan pengerusi petronas yang menandatangani perjanjian tersebut, petronas dan kerajaan pusat tetap dengan dengan pendirian "pekak badak"nya. Saya optimis Kerajaan Kelantan tidak akan bertindak secara radikal, namun selaku entiti korporat, Petronas perlu mengambil 'ibrah' tentang apa yang berlaku terhadap Talisman Energy Incorporatedyang mengeluarkan belanja yang besar bagi mengembalikan reputasinya akibat apa yang berlaku di Sudan. Kerajaan Kelantan mungkin tidak bertindak radikal namun banyak lagi strategi yang tidak mahu saya ulas disini yang boleh dilakukan sehingga memaksa Petronas dan kerajaan Malaysia ke "pinggir gelanggang".
p/s: ada masa, insyaAllah sambung lagi..
-amin, 12.15am
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Goodbye the Martyr..Obaidah al-Qudsi

"Of the believers are men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah. some of them have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting; and they have not altered in the least;..(Quran, 33:23)
Born in 1984 in Hebron city-Palestine for a respected family, his father is a well known ustaz and businessman.
Obaidah started his education as early as 5 years in the kindergarten of the Islamic Youth Society. He later joined the Al-Shar’iyah School of the Islamic Charitable Organization. He completed his school education in 2002 with an excellent score of 84 %.
He later joined the International Islamic University Malaysia where he earned a bachelor degree in Communications and Journalism.
During his presence at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Obaidah was one of the active students in cocurricular activities and was always a forerunner in working for any Ummatic issue. Obaidah was elected into the main board of Al-Aqsa friends’ Society in 2003 to serve for one year as one of its most active members. And from the year 2004 till 2007 he led the famous Al-Aqsa Nasheed Group in IIUM.
In 2008, he returned home in Palestine to live with his family and run his father’s business. He got engaged a few months later and arranged for his wedding to be held right after eid alfitri. Unfortunately, the criminal Zionist soldiers won’t let his family celebrate this eid happily, not let Obaidah’s fiancee have a future with him!
Obaidah al-Qudsi continue his journey to Jannatilkhulud, insyaAllah..alfatihah
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